Dec 10, 2017

Philip Guo 时间大盗

偶尔有一天读到 Philip Guo (加州大学圣地亚哥分校认知科学专业副教授) 写他的妈妈 Min Zhou (加州大学洛杉矶分校 社会学与亚裔美国人专业研究教授,中山大学长江学者)的故事:

在 Min Zhou 拿到终身教职前的6年里,晚上17:00回家,煮晚餐,整理家务,哄孩子入睡。然后在21:00睡觉。凌晨3点起床。


“During my mother’s six years as a pre-tenure assistant professor (1990–1996), she woke up at 3am every weekday morning and got straight to work in front of the living room computer. She advanced her research for at least three uninterrupted hours each morning while everyone else slept.
Why did she need to start her work days at 3am? Because for most of her pre-tenure years, she was also running the household and raising a child by herself. Although my parents weren’t divorced, my father’s jobs often required him to live in different cities apart from us.
Without those three hours of consistent forward progress each morning from 3am to 6am, she would not be where she is today.”
——How my mother made tenure, Philip Guo
Philip Guo - How my mother made tenure

这篇文章里,除了Philip Guo 对母亲的崇敬和爱之外,我还瞥到了一种可能偷盗时间的生活方式:每天晚上21:00睡觉,凌晨3:00起床。


  1. 能保证6个小时的睡眠
  2. 能够保证日常生活的秩序(晚上21点前正常上班族和学生党的事务都已经处理完了)
  3. 比所有人多了3个小时!


此处引用 Cicero 是合适的

The out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds…
The ashes of his fathers…
…And the temples of his gods.


  1. 在之前的三个星期里,我恰巧实现了连续三周每天六点起的计划(对我这种长期作息靠感觉的人来说,已经是奇迹了)。
  2. 这个作息习惯和我之前的作息思路是相同的。我之前是23点左右睡觉,6点左右起。在上班前争取安静地吃早餐和发呆的1小时,和用来看书的40分钟左右的时间。

  1. I’m in desperate need to find more time for reading, writing, thinking and doing nothing (the “doing nothing time” is so important for me to keep energetic at the rest of day).

好的!Decision made! 就这样。我打算开始了。从今天(2017年12月12日)开始。我会每天写一点自己的体验和遇到的问题,3个星期后和大家聊聊这个过程。希望大家到时候不要忘了哈哈哈。

