Sep 26, 2019

Poor Charlies' Almanack 查理芒格下注指南

#Judgements #判断力

Naval Ravikant: My definition to wisdom is knowing the long term consequences of your actions. Wisdom applied to external problems is judgement.

1. Inversion 先注意应该避免什么

Charlie Munger:

  • Trying to be consistently not stupid and staying within your circle of competence is bettern than trying to be very intelligent.
  • All I want to know is where I’m going to die, so that I’ll never go there.
  • Rapidly eliminate what should not be done, then launch a skilled and interdisciplinary attack on what should be done, and then, when the right opportunity comes - only when the right opportunity comes - take decisive action.

Naval Ravikant:

  • I don’t believe I have the ability to say waht is going to work. Rather, I try to eliminate what’s not going to work. I think being successful is just about not making mistakes. It’s not about having corrent judgement. It’s about avoiding incorrect judgments.


后来发现准确率低主要是因为2个原因:1. 线上环境会把智能问答bot合进一个大的客服系统中。流程是:先让智能问答答复,人工客服兜底。 2. 之前离线测试集不是随机样本,而是标注团队选出的智能问答bot答复范围的相关性样本。

所以,上线之后的实际情况是,智能问答bot一直在回复用户所有问题,而它被设计回复的、知识性问题在所有用户提问中,占比不到10%。它回复不了的问题占比90%+。 比如客户问自己的某个理财产品资金状况。智能问答bot会回复这个理财产品的产品详情,类似这样牛头不对马嘴显得极度人工智障。



2. Lollapalooza 合奏效应

A lollapalooza effect is created when an outcome is much bigger than the sum of its part.

  • 有力的需求刺激 powerful stimulants - sugar+coffine
  • 聪明的市场策略 clever marketing
  • 优秀的产品体验 great product
  • 供给容易且充分 availability
  • 社交形象 social proof - open happiness


2022-12-09 补充:

  • 比如引入“流水线”这种新方法之后,汽车生产效率大幅度提升,汽车【价格】下降。
  • 用户的【价格敏感度】是呈金字塔形分布的,越往底部下沉,【用户量】越大。流水线这个新要素就带来汽车用户量的大幅提升。


  • 短视频体裁,降低了用户认知成本(内容理解,看视频相对读文字)。
  • 推荐系统,降低了用户使用成本(内容发现,刷推荐相对关注和搜索)。
  • 移动手机普及与通信网络成本降低,提供了大量的移动端可能用户。
  • 用户的【互联网产品应用能力】是呈金字塔形分布的,越往底部下沉,【用户量】越大。
  • 短视频推荐平台,通过低用户消费门槛,占领了大量中低端用户。
  • 个性化推荐,随着使用时间延长,体验变好。用户迁移成本高。保住了长期留存。

3. Learning from other people’s mistakes

Benjamin Graham/Philip Fisher/Peter Lynch/Warren Buffett/Charlie Munger.

4. Become a swiss army knife


5. Charlie Munger’s investing checklist 芒格下注指南

  • Risk (无临险地、避免大错误)
    • Use a marginal of safety
    • More risk = additional conpensation
    • Avoid big mistakes
  • Independence (独立,和其他人一样就是平均水平)
    • Think for yourself
    • The correctness of your analysis does not depend on other people’s opinions
    • Mimicking the herd will give you the result fo the herd
  • Intellectual Humility (诚实、即使与他人冲突)
    • stay within your circle of competence
    • identify and think through evidence that goes against your own view
    • never fool your self
  • Allocation (任何选择都有机会成本。当胜率很大的时候,要加大赌注。不要迷恋已有的选择)
    • remember that there’s always an opportunity cost
    • when the ods are greatly in your favor - bet heavily
    • don’t fall in love with an investment,stay skeptic
  • Patience (耐心、享受过程、不骄不躁)
    • compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.
    • enjoy the process
    • guard against hubris and boredom
  • Decisiveness (做好准备、抓住机会)
    • seize opportunity when it arrives
    • stay prepared
