Nov 30, 2022

个人理财实证 A Personal Financial Statement




Kevin 提醒说,这四笔钱概念是来自自斯文森(David Swensen 原耶鲁基金负责人)组合。


  1. 一个投资组合里应该有6种不完全相同的资产,但总体来说应以股票为主。因为长期来看,股票永远是回报最高的选择。
  2. 投资者应该按照自己设定的时间频率来给组合进行再平衡,通常建议一年一次。
  3. 个人投资者不应追求战胜市场。相对个股,更加推荐持有低成本的指数基金。


  • 因为(1+7.2%)^10 =2. 最终目标是长期投资10年翻倍。



  1. 不要加杠杆
  2. 自己还需要学习。在没有特别明确的好机会时,主仓位给宽基SPY(标普500)、QQQ(纳斯达克100)。中证500,沪深300.

[补丁1] 除非出现 胜率高*赔率高的标的,否则不应该太花精力在调整长期投资标的上。

  1. 每个月最后一天整理资产情况。每个月第一天梳理和更新仓位。


  1. 即使亏损,也不能逃避。要继续更新,保持纪律。

English Version:

Dec, 2022

Out of the 4 categories of money,

  • 5% is for active money management.
  • 45% is for conservative wealth management.
  • 50% is for long-term investment.
  • The safeguard insurance covers the whole family and is paid on a monthly basis.

Rather than trying to time the market or make short-term bets, he advises investors to focus on building a diverse portfolio and sticking with it over the long term. This can help to smooth out the ups and downs of the market and provide a solid foundation for long-term growth.

Iteration 2022-12-12

Kevin reminded me that the four categories of money concept comes from the portfolio of David Swensen, former head of Yale’s endowment fund. Rather than trying to time the market or make short-term bets, he advises investors to focus on building a diverse portfolio and sticking with it over the long term. This can help to smooth out the ups and downs of the market and provide a solid foundation for long-term growth.
In his book, Swensen offers three key recommendations to individual investors:

  1. A portfolio should have six different but not completely identical assets, but overall it should be mainly stocks. Because in the long run, stocks are always the highest-returning choice.
  2. Investors should rebalance their portfolio according to their own set frequency, usually once a year.
  3. Individual investors should not pursue beating the market. Low-cost index funds are more recommended than individual stocks.

Personal financial lessons learned in 2022:

  1. Don’t leverage.
  2. Keep learning. In the absence of particularly clear opportunities, the main position is given to the index ETF like SPY、QQQ.
  3. Review the asset situation on the last day of each month. Organize and update positions on the first day of each month.
  4. Even if there is a loss, face it. Continue to update and maintain discipline.