Dec 25, 2022

为什么爬雪山 Mountain Climbing


作为一个爬雪山的入门汉,我只想说只有高手有机会享受过程。普通选手其实爬雪山的时候都比较谨慎。我刚开始和登山队训练的时候,为了赶上大家速度,基础体验就觉得自己和驴子差不多,埋头走路。 纯粹娱乐型的徒步也很好玩。但那是另一种东西了。

另外,当时爬雪山老有人问为什么要去做这件事?风险高成本高,经济上来说没什么收益。 其实有收益的,当时不太懂而已。

  1. 爬雪山的成就,是社交货币。大家都认可的一个目标(做变性手术也很难,但认可范围就小很多)。所以也是驱动自己日常锻炼身体、学习攀爬技巧的目标。非常好的驱动力。

  2. 人生标尺,参照系。爬雪山是一个很难的事情,需要学习风险管理、理解自然、理解人类身体的局限。任何一个可能建立深度参照系的实践,都会让我们更好地理解人生。很多原则都是相通的。比如,训练的时候要不断push推到边界。以及学会放弃。

  3. 同伴友谊。人和人之间的关系,要么就是时间上的长度、经验上的广度陪伴,比如发小、同学。要么就是经历上的深度,比如一起踢球、爬山、创业。从爱好出发的友谊,如果能有深度经历,很容易变成很铁的朋友。我人生中很重要的一部分朋友来自这里。

Longing for the next mountain climbing.

As a beginner of mountain climbing, I just want to say that only experts have the opportunity to enjoy the process. In fact, ordinary climbers are usually cautious when climbing mountains. When I first started training with the mountain climbing team, in order to catch up with others, I felt that I was just like a donkey and kept my head down while walking. Purely recreational hiking is also fun, but that’s something else.
In addition, people often asked me why mountain climbing? Indicating it’s of high risks, high costs, and barely no economic return. I just smiled, and couldn’t find a good answer for it.
In fact, there are benefits, which I didn’t understand them at the time.

  1. The achievement of mountain climbing is a social currency. It is a goal that is recognized by some people (it is also difficult to have gender reassignment surgery, but the range of recognition is much smaller). So it is also a goal that drives me to exercise my body and learn climbing skills on a daily basis. It is a very good driving force.
  2. Life’s benchmarks, reference system. Climbing mountains is a difficult thing, and it requires learning risk management, understanding nature, and understanding the limitations of the human body. Any practice that may establish a good reference system will help us better understand life. Many principles are common. For example, when training, we must constantly push to the edge. And learn to give up somewhere in nature.
  3. Friendship. The relationship between people is either the length of time, the breadth of experience, such as families, classmates; Or the depth of experience, such as playing soccer, climbing mountains, and starting a business. Friendship based on hobbies, if it can go through some events, is easily turned into a very strong friendship. A significant part of my friends in life come from here.