Feb 21, 2023
What I've Learned from Users
Inspired by Paul Graham’s “What I’ve learned from users (YC founders)“
- Founders have the same problems, and bad at realizing what their problems are (startups is counterintuitive);
- Founders uncertain about what to do. But startup must focus on solving important ones to survive.
- Very ambitious people probably need colleagues more than anyone else, because they’re so starved for them in everyday life.
How YC are great at these:
- Specific partners were founders too. They know well about how counterintuitive startup is.
- The essence of what happens at YC is to figure out which problems matter most. YC improves focus.
- How generous founders can be in helping one another. YC continue magnify it. Between the partners, the alumni, and their batchmates, founders are surrounded by people who want to help them, and can.
作为一个抖音电商搜索的PM, 我从用户身上学到的:
- 用户很懒。成本过高的行为可能会被压抑。反之,帮助用户降低成本会释放需求。
- 用户对体验的整体感受是模糊的,但对(使用电子产品中的)中断、失败体验很敏感。
- 用户的需求是差异化的、极其多样的。
- 更低成本触发搜索,满足用户衍生好奇心的功能。获得了大量流量。案例:评论区实体词、大家都在搜。
- 无限降低用户中断和失败的体验,能够在用户心智中建立信任感。
- 针对用户画像和需求的电商搜索个性化,提高满足用户需求的效率。